terms of use

terms & conditions for using expost services updated 15/07/2021

Most website Terms & Conditions are written in complex 'Legalese' that is a nightmare to follow,  sometimes quite deliberately so in order to hide or disguise elements that you may not like,  and is then tucked away in a dark corner.

We believe that our relationship with customers is so important,  that every word,  on every page of this website,  makes up part of our contract with you.   There is nothing hidden.   Because we both agree to be bound by this agreement,  please read the site carefully and don't hesitate to ask if anything is not absolutely clear!

cancellation policy

Under the European Consumer Rights Directive,  you do NOT have the right to withdraw from the contract you make with us at registration because the product  ( your mailbox Account )  is bespoke.   We understand,  however,  that people make mistakes or act in haste occasionally,  so,  as a courtesy and without prejudice,  if you change your mind within the first seven days and decide that you no longer wish to use our service for any reason,  we will refund your Service Fee and remaining Postage Fund credit,  ( less a £25 charge to offset our set-up,  administration and banking costs ),  provided that you have not already used your accommodation address.

For this reason,  and to comply with UK Organised Crime & Money Laundering Regulations,  we will process your refund 30 days later.   If any mail is delivered to your mailbox during this period the whole of the Service Fee becomes non-refundable.

It is always sad when a customer leaves us,  and we hope that you would discuss any problems that you may have with our Support team before making that decision.   But,  if you decide to close your account,  we are committed to make the experience as painless as possible.

gdpr and your privacy

We retain your personal data,  and information about the use of your account  ( such as previous forwarding addresses and items handled etc. )  for 30 days after your Account has Expired.   We need these data so that we can provide retrospective support and assist with any potential claims arising from the damage,  loss or non-delivery of mail by a third party carrier.

After this 30 day period,  all data relating to you and your account is automatically deleted from our servers in line with the new European GDPR  ( General Data Protection Regulations )  that came into force on May 25th,  2018.   GDPR also gives you the right to see what information we are currently holding about you and your account.   This is all available in the 90 Day Statement and Setting History reports,  linked from your secure control panel.

force majeure

It may seem obvious,  but in the event that we are prevented from providing the quality of service that we promise due to war breaking out,  riots or civil unrest,  flood,  fire,  natural disaster,  a direct meteorite strike on the Mail Centre or any other situation outside of our reasonable control,  you understand and forgive us!
